Clipping Tab, Cross Section Preferences dialog box

When Clipping is Off

Show Plane

Displays the clipping plane when the clipping options are not active.

When Clipping Both

Show Lines in Part Color

Displays the cross sections lines in the part color.

Automatically Show Plane View

Automatically display clipping when using the plane view.

When Clipping Near or Far

Set as Default

Saves the current settings.

Draw End Caps

Covers the clipped region with a shaded surface.

Enabling end capping will affect performance in the Viewing window.

Capping Color

Specifies the color of the border for inactive cross sections.

Show Clipped Geometry As


Displays the clipped geometry as a solid.

Tessellation Lines

Displays tessellation lines. You can specify the color of the lines.


Displays the clipped geometry using a transparent rendering style. You can specify the degree and color of the transparency.

Enabling transparency affects performance in the Viewing window.

Hidden Lines


Displays hidden lines.


Makes the hidden lines invisible.


Makes hidden lines faint in appearance.