Vent Options Dialog Box

Saved Settings

Lists saved vent settings. You can access the saved settings by selecting them from the list. The settings on the dialog box display the characteristics of the vent you select. You can type a name in the box to name a group of settings.


Saves the current settings to the name you type.


Deletes the saved settings selected in the Save Settings box.


Defines the thickness value for the ribs and spars.


Defines the extension value for the ribs and spars. When you specify an extension value, the ribs and spars extend past the vent exterior boundary by the value you type.


Defines the offset value for the ribs and spars. When you specify an offset value, the ribs and spars start below the vent entrance surface by the value you type.

Draft Angle

Specifies that you want to add draft to the ribs and spars when set. When you set this option, you can type the draft angle value you want and define how the draft is applied.

From Outside Edge

Specifies that the draft angle is measured from the faces that are closest to the sketch that defines the vent feature.

From Inside Edge

Specifies that the draft angle is measured from the faces that are farthest from the sketch that defines the vent feature.

Draft Outward

Specifies that the draft adds material.

Draft Inward

Specifies that the draft removes material.

Round and Fillet Radius

Specifies that you want to add fillets and rounds to the feature when set. When you set this option, you can type the fillet and round value you want.

Show This Dialog When the Command Begins

Displays the Options dialog box when you start the command.

Save As Default

Saves the current settings as the default settings.

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