Choose the FreeSketch command .
On the FreeSketch command bar, set the Line element type button and clear the other element type buttons.
Select an Adjust option.
When the Adjust option is on, the software “adjusts” the lines so they are horizontal or vertical when you finish drawing.
When the Adjust option is off, the software interprets the exact movements of your cursor. If you draw diagonally, the line displays as a diagonal line when you finish drawing.
Drag to draw a line or a series of connected lines.
The Adjust option allows the software to adjust the geometry you draw.
IntelliSketch recognizes relationships at the start point and end point of the line.
When you set the Line and Arc element type buttons, you can draw connected lines and arcs.
You can use the options on the FreeSketch command bar and the commands on the shortcut menu to edit a line.