Edges Tab

Formats a part by setting options for the color and pattern of edges.


Displays the color you have defined. You can set the color of the part's edges to be different from the part's faces. You can also set the color by copying the color from the Diffuse color property, or by using the Red, Green, Blue or the Hue, Saturation, Intensity color bars.


Sets the width.


Defines the pattern you can apply to the edges of a part. You can select a pattern from the list or define one . The pattern consists of a series of lines and spaces that correspond to commonly used line styles such as hidden, phantom, centerline, and so forth.


Scales the pattern you define.

Copy From Diffuse Color

Defines the color by copying the active Diffuse color located on the Faces tab.

Red, Green, Blue

Defines a color using sliders that control the amount of red, green, and blue that make up the color. These controls also affect the settings for the Hue, Saturation, Intensity sliders.

Hue, Saturation, Intensity

Defines a color using sliders that control the amount of hue, saturation, and intensity that make up the color. These controls will affect the settings for the Red, Green, Blue sliders.


Shows you the result of your settings before you apply them.

Preview Render Mode

Sets the rendering method to be used in the Preview box. You can preview a rendering using the Wireframe, Outline, Vector Hidden Line, or Smooth Shaded methods.

Preview Object

Sets the object to be used in the Preview box. You can preview a rendering using a Cube, Sphere, or Tea Pot.


Displays a description of the formatting options.

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