Displays the alternate assembly members in a spreadsheet format. You can use the command buttons and shortcut menu commands to create, modify and display alternate assembly members.
Displays the New Member dialog box you can define the name of a new member.
Deletes the active member. A dialog box is displayed to confirm you want to delete the active member. You cannot delete the first member.
Save Member As
Displays the Save Member dialog box so you can create a separate assembly document for the active member. The new assembly document is a normal assembly that does not contain alternate assembly members.
Update Members
Updates the members based on changes you have made to the table.
Activate Member
Activates the selected member in the graphic window. To activate a member, click the column heading for the member you want, then click the Activate Member button.
Save Changes
Saves the changes you have made to the table. You can discard all changes since the last Save Changes action by clicking the Restore button.
Prints the table to a printer you specify.
Copies the selected data.
Pastes the data to the table.
Restores the table to the previous saved configuration. A dialog box displays to confirm that you want to discard the changes you have made.
Save All Members
Recomputes and saves all the alternate assembly members. The Save command saves the master document and recomputes and saves only the members that have been modified since the last save operation.
Table Area
Displays the alternate assembly members in a spreadsheet format.
Preview Window
Displays the currently selected alternate assembly member in a preview window. If you want to make the selected member the active member, you can click the Activate Member button.
The following symbols are used in the Alternate Assemblies Edit Table dialog box:
Legend |
Excluded part or relationship for the active member |
Failed part or relationship for the active member |
The following shortcut menu commands are available.
Copies the selected text and places it on the Windows Clipboard.
Pastes the contents of the Windows Clipboard to the selected cell.
Displays the Columns dialog box so you format the active column.
Displays the Fonts dialog box so you can format the fonts used in the dialog box.
Search and Replace
Displays the Find dialog box so you can search for and replace text.
Define Alternate Components
Runs the Define Alternate Components command.
Allows you to rename the selection.
Displays the Replacement Part dialog box, so you can replace the selection with another component.
Displays the selected components.
Hides the selected components.
Show Only
Displays only the selected components.
Zoom To
Zooms to the selected components.
Expand All
Expands all of the assemblies so you can see the components they contain.