Define the Profile Plane

Step 1.

Select a planar face or plane. If you select a reference plane, a new reference plane is created, coincident with the selected plane. Otherwise, proceed with step 2.

Step 2.

Define the base of the new reference plane by clicking a part face, a part edge, or another plane.

Step 3.

Define the origin of the new plane by clicking near one end of the displayed reference axis.


Any reference plane you create while constructing a feature is a local reference plane. A local reference plane is available only when you are constructing or editing the feature it belongs to.


  • You can use QuickPick to locate hidden part faces.

  • You can also define a pattern plane that is parallel to, at an angle to, or perpendicular to another reference plane or a part face. To do this, click one of the following buttons on the command bar and follow the prompts. See the related topics for more instructions.

  • Parallel Plane

  • Angled Plane

  • Perpendicular Plane

  • Plane Normal to Curve

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