Applies a ground relationship on a part in an assembly.
Grounding a part ensures that it remains fixed in the specified position and orientation (relative to the assembly). A grounded part acts as an anchor from which other parts can be positioned. Solid Edge automatically applies a ground relationship to the first part placed in an assembly.
Parts that have been positioned using assembly relationships relative to a grounded part move relative to the grounded part when paired with it.
Although an assembly can contain many grounded parts, a set of related parts should be paired with only one grounded part. Depending on the geometry, it may be possible to position a set of related parts to more than one grounded part, but subsequent design changes may cause one or more of the relationships to fail.
When placing a part with the Maintain Relationships option cleared, you can use assembly relationships to position and orient a part, but since these relationships are not maintained by the software, a ground relationship is applied.