Specifies the folders and documents you want to add to a managed library.
Look In
Displays the drive and folder in which you want to search for the document you want to add to the library.
Go to Last Folder Visited
Returns to the last folder that you visited.
Up One Folder
Moves the Look In folder up one level.
Controls the display method for the listed documents.
Large Icons
Displays large icons for the documents.
Small Icons
Displays small icons for the documents.
Lists the names of the documents in columns.
Displays a detailed view of the directory contents. The columns displayed include Name, Size, and Modified.
Lists the folders and documents you can import into the library.
Displays a bitmap image of the document if a preview image was saved for the file.
Adds the selected folders and documents to the Folders and Documents to be Added box.
Removes the selected folders and documents from the Folders and Documents to be Added box.
Remove All
Removes all folders and documents from the Folders and Documents to be Added box.
Include Subfolders
Imports the associated subfolders for the selected folders.
Folders and Documents to be Added
Lists the folders and documents you want to add to the managed library.
Allows you to filter what type of files are loaded as direct documents when a folder is selected for addition to a library.
Draft Documents (*.dft)
Assembly Documents (*.asm)
Part Documents (*.par)
Sheet Metal Documents (*.psm)
Weldment Documents (*.pwd)
All Documents Including Non-Solid Edge (*.*)
If you have selected a mixture of folders and documents to be added to the library, the Types option only applies to the folders.
Defines the location and status for the documents and folders you are adding.
Library Folder
Specifies the destination folder for the folders and documents you are adding to the managed library. For web folders, the New Folder button is disabled. However, you can create a new folder by typing the folder name in the browsed to path or editing the browsed to path.
Browse for Library Folder
Accesses a dialog box that allows you to specify the destination folder.
Dry Run (Documents will not be added to the Library)
Checks the selected documents for illegal characters, corrupted files and broken links without adding the documents to the library.
Add Documents to the Library
Adds the selected documents to the library without checking for broken links.
Update Status on All Documents to be Checked-In
Automatically checks in the documents you are adding to the managed library.
Use Default for Missing Foldermap.txt Entries
Specifies a default folder to use if an entry is missing in foldermap.txt. Administrators can define this location using SEAdmin. For web folders, the New Folder button is disabled. However, you can create a new folder by typing the folder name in the browsed to path or editing the browsed to path.