Lists alternate actions which are available for the selected elements.
Specifies that you want to construct a rectangular pattern.
Specifies that you want to construct a rectangular pattern.
Specifies that you want to construct a pattern along a set of sketch elements.
Defines which pattern occurrence is used to align the pattern rectangle with the elements being patterned. The pattern occurrence that is the active reference point is shown as a bold X.
Adds new elements to an existing pattern. This option is available only when you are editing an existing pattern.
Specifies which pattern occurrences you want to suppress. After you click the Suppress Occurrence button, you can select an individual occurrence by clicking it, or a group of occurrences by clicking and dragging.
Inserts a pattern occurrence. After you click the Insert Occurrence button, click a keypoint on the pattern curve to insert an occurrence.
Displays the Advanced Definition options.
Sets the transformation type for the pattern.
Linear—Occurrences are oriented based on the orientation of the features being patterned.
Full—Occurrences are oriented based on the input curves.
From Plane—Occurrences are oriented based on the projection of the initial occurrence and a target occurrence onto a plane, where a measured angle defines occurrence orientation.
Sets the rotation type for the pattern. Rotation Type is available on the QuickBar when Transformation Type is set to Full or From Plane.
Curve Position—Occurrences are placed according to the position of the path curve.
Feature Position—Occurrences are placed according to the position of the initial occurrence.
Specifies how the pattern rectangle is constructed.
You specify the number of occurrences in the x and y directions, and the height and width of the pattern rectangle. The software calculates the x and y spacing.
You specify the x and y spacing, and the height and width of the pattern rectangle. The software calculates the number of occurrences in the x and y directions.
You specify the number of occurrences in the x and y directions, and the x and y spacing. The software calculates the height and width of the pattern rectangle.
Cancels the feature.
Constructs the feature.