Use the Print Drawings command to select and print drawing sheets from multiple Solid Edge Draft documents. You can create a composite drawing consisting of different sheet sizes on a single page.
You can use this command to:
Combine individual working sheets from different managed and unmanaged draft documents to create a composite drawing.
Use automatic sheet layout.
Print a single sheet, multiple sheets, or a continuous spool.
Print vertical and horizontal cut lines.
Schedule the print-ready output for printing at a later time by printing to a file.
You can set up a print job without actually opening a draft document by selecting the Print Drawings command from the Application menu on the Solid Edge startup screen.
You can review the log files generated by the Print Drawings command. Each log file uses a naming convention of the format PrintDrawings_<timestamp>.log. The default location for log files is determined on the File Locations page (Solid Edge Options dialog box).