The Units page on the File Properties dialog box determines:
Units of measure and precision readout for the length, area, or angle values in a Solid Edge document. The options you set on the Units tab are used for physical and area property calculations, measuring the length of elements, and so forth.
Paper units used in the Print dialog box and the drawing Sheet Setup dialog box.
The precision readout sets the number of significant figures to display. It sets the accuracy of the unit readout value.
The precision setting does not alter the numbers that you type, only the display of the numbers in the box. Values ending in 5 are rounded up. For example, if the precision readout is set to .123 (three decimal places), and you draw a line that is 2.1056 inches long, then the line value length is rounded to three decimal places. The length value appears as 2.106 inches long.
When you set options on this tab for the units in a document, the settings do not affect the dimensional value units for the document.
You specify the dimensional value units you want with the Style option on the Dimension command bar. You can modify the delivered dimension styles and create new dimension styles using the Style command on the Format menu. To make it easy to reuse the unit settings you want, you should define and use document templates.
Length Readout
Sets the unit of measure and precision readout for the length values in a document.
Angle Readout
Sets the unit of measure and precision readout for the angle values in a document.
Area Readout
Sets the unit of measure and precision readout for the area values in a document.
Advanced Units
Displays the Advanced Units dialog box so you can define additional working units for the document.
You set the actual values for the mechanical properties on the Advanced Units dialog box by assigning a part material using the Material Table command. For example, to set the density value for an aluminum part, you can select from one of the available aluminum materials in the Material Table, or define a new aluminum material that matches the working characteristics of the aluminum you need. For more information, see the Material Table command Help topic.