Main Steps
Select Sketch Step
Lists the options for selecting an existing sketch. You can construct the feature by selecting an existing sketch region or a set of elements from an existing sketch.
Side Step
Defines the side of the sketch to which material should be added or from which material should be removed to construct the feature. This step is not required when the sketch is closed.
Extent Step
Defines the depth of the feature or the distance to extend the sketch to construct the feature. The extent options are 360 Degrees and Finite. When you set the Finite option, you can also specify whether the extent is applied to one side of the sketch plane or both sides of the sketch plane symmetrically.
Changes function as you move through the feature construction process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the other steps. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.
Create Live Section
Creates a Live Section for the revolved feature upon completion. The default setting is On.
Select Sketch Step Options
Sets the method of selecting a sketch element.
Single—Select one or more individual elements.
Chain—Select an endpoint connected set of elements by selecting one of the elements in the chain.
Face—Select an existing face or sketch region on the model.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the selection.
Deselect (x)
Clears the selection.
Close Sketch
Includes model edges to define a closed sketch. The model edges must be adjacent to the selected sketch.
Axis of Revolution
Specifies the axis of revolution for the cross section of the feature. You can select any linear element, such as a sketch element or model edge.
Extent Step Options
Specifies that you want to add material.
Specifies that you want to remove material.
Symmetric Extent
Applies half the extent distance to each side of the sketch when the Finite Extent option is set.
Sets the type of keypoint you can select to define a feature extent or to position a new reference plane. You can define the feature extent using a keypoint on other existing geometry. The available keypoint options are specific to the command and workflow you use.
Sets the any keypoint option. |
Sets the end point option. |
Sets the midpoint option. |
Sets the center point option. You can select the center point of an arc or circle. |
Sets the tangency point option. You can select a tangent point on an analytic curved face such as a cylinder, sphere, torus, or cone. |
Sets the silhouette point option. |
Sets the edit point on a curve option. |
Sets the no keypoint option. |
Revolve 360
Sets the feature extent so that the sketch is revolved 360 degrees about the revolution axis.
Finite Extent
Sets the feature extent so that the sketch is revolved a finite distance to either side of the sketch plane, or symmetrically to both sides of the sketch plane. Type the extent value into the Angle box on the command bar.
Sets the radial extent of the revolution.
Sets the radial angle value to increase or decrease in set increments when you move the cursor. For example, typing a step value of 10 degrees and moving the cursor away from the sketch plane would increment the revolved extent from 0 to 10 degrees, then to 20 degrees, and so forth.