Custom Orientation dialog box

This window displays the 3D part or assembly you select in the Drawing View Creation Wizard. You can use the view manipulation options in this window to reorient the 3D part before you create drawing views. When you finish reorienting the part, click Close to continue with the command.

Activate Part

Activates (loads into memory) the model data associated with a part.  This enables you to use a face or edge on the part for precise placement of the view before the view is created. Activate Part is only available with assemblies.

Shaded with VHL Overlay

Specifies if the view will be simply shaded or shaded with VHL overlay. Using the Shaded with VHL Overlay may decrease your performance when working with large assemblies.


Rotates a view freely about one of the following:

  • The center of the view

  • Any one of three principal axes

  • Any edge of the model


You also can press the Home key to rotate the model to the default isometric view.

Spin About

Rotates a view normal to a face. Spin About is not available for assemblies.

Common Views

Selects one of six principal views or eight isometric views. You can use the arrows on the displayed dialog box to select the view.

Look At Face

Defines a view using any planar face.  Look at Face is not available for assemblies.

Align Edge

Aligns a view to a linear edge. In cases where Look At Face does not align the view the way you want, you can use this option to select a linear edge of the model and specify a new x or y axis.

Zoom Area

Zooms into an area in the window. The two points you place define the view.


Reduces or enlarges the display of geometry around a specified point in the window.


Fits all elements to the window.


Enables you to move in any direction from a specific point on the model to see other areas of the model.


Applies perspective to, or removes perspective from, the view in the Custom Orientation window. A perspective view appears more realistic than an isometric view. When perspective is applied, objects that are farther away appear smaller.

When you select the Perspective option, you can choose a predefined angle from the Perspective Angle list, or you can define a custom perspective angle using Shift+Ctrl while rotating the mouse wheel.

Perspective Angle

When the Perspective option is selected, you can choose from a list of perspective angle values that equate to the focal lengths of a 35 mm camera. As the angle increases, the distance to the object decreases, making the object appear closer. For example, the angle in the first picture (A) is wider than the angle in the second (B), so that the first picture appears closer.

  • Portrait (85 mm)

  • Normal (50 mm)

  • Wide (35 mm)

  • Very wide (10 mm)

  • Custom—This value is set and applied automatically when you press Ctrl+Shift while you rotate the mouse wheel to change the perspective view angle and distance.

Rotation Angle

Specifies the angle of rotation.


Closes the Custom Orientation window and continues the drawing view creation process.

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