Relationship Assistant Options dialog box

Controls how assembly relationships are applied to parts.

Check Select Set 1 Against

Specifies which parts will have relationships defined to select set 1.

Select Set 2

Applies assembly relationships between the parts in select set 1 and select set 2. Each select set can consist of one or more parts.

All Other Parts In The Assembly

Applies assembly relationships between the parts in select set 1 and all the remaining parts in the assembly.

Parts Currently Shown

Applies assembly relationships between the parts in select set 1 and the other parts that are currently displayed in the assembly.


Applies assembly relationships between the parts in select set 1.

Remove Relationships on Parts in Select Set 1

Specifies which relationships will be removed from the parts in select set 1.

Remove Grounded Part Relationships

Removes ground relationships on the parts in select set 1.

Remove All Relationships

Removes all the existing relationships applied to the parts in select set 1.

This option also can be useful when you want to remove all the relationships in an existing assembly, but do not want to apply any new relationships.

Allow Relationships to Reference Planes

Allows assembly relationships to be applied to the base reference planes.

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