Select Projects dialog box

Displays the Teamcenter projects to which you have privileges to assign this object. Use this dialog box to assign one or more projects to your Teamcenter-managed object.

Item Information

Identifies the item you are assigning to projects by displaying the icon associated with your item followed by the document name formula.


Lists the projects you have you have access to. Displays the Project ID, Project Name, and Project Description properties.


Your project access is determined at the time you log in to Teamenter. If project access changes during time you are logged in, the project list will not be updated until you reestablish your session by logging off and back in again.


Assigns the selected project to your item.

Add All

Assigns the selected project to all available Teamcenter projects listed.


Deletes the selected project from assignment to the item.

Remove All

Clears all project assignments from the item.

Selected Projects

Lists the projects the item is added to. Displays the Project ID, Project Name, and Project Description properties.

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