(Print) Options dialog box

The Options dialog box is available when using the Print command. You can use it to specify the area to print on a selected working sheet or the 2D Model sheet.

Print range

X—Specifies a value for the X coordinate for the area you want to print.

Y—Specifies a value for the Y coordinate for the area you want to print.


Adjusts the location of the print area or of the sheet on the paper.

X—Specifies a value for the X coordinate.

Y—Specifies a value for the Y coordinate.


Centers the print area or the sheet on the paper.

Use printer clipping

Specifies that you want the printer to clip the defined clipping region. If you want to clip text or OLE objects such as Word or Excel documents, you should set this option. You should also use this option if you are printing detail views that extend past the clipping boundary.

Detect portrait/landscape

Specifies that you want to detect if the paper orientation is set to portrait or landscape.


Controls the scale of the print area in a document.

Fit to printer margins

Scales the selected drawing sheets or print area to fit the configured device printer paper.

Manual scale

Specifies the scale value you want to use during printing. The value you type in the text box is the ratio of the paper to the design.

Scale line widths

Scales line widths for printing. When set, the line widths scale down, but not up. When cleared, the line widths do not scale at all.

Scale line types

Scales line types for printing. When set, the line types scale down, but not up. When cleared, the line types do not scale at all.

Paper length

Specifies the paper length for the document you want to print.

Design length

Specifies a design length.

Line width scale factor

Applies a scale factor to the screen resolution line weight increasing the number of pixels representing lines sent to the printer. This option is not available in the Draft environment.

Print colors as black (does not apply to links or embedded files such as Excel)

Specifies that all Solid Edge graphics and text should be printed as black on a color printer. Foreign objects, such as Excel spreadsheets, that are linked or embedded use their own display characteristics when printed.


Shows the specified plotting area in relation to the effective plotting area. By default, the specified plotting area is displayed as a blue rectangle.

Effective plotting area

Displays the plotting area for the document.

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