Info Tab (Tube Options dialog box)

Flat Length

Displays the length for the tube path if it were stretched flat. This information is stored as the Tube Flat Length property for reports and parts lists.

Area Of Inside Diameter

Displays the area of the inside diameter of the tube. Although you cannot edit the area, the box automatically updates if the tube changes. This information is stored as the Tube Inside Diameter property for reports and parts lists.

Volume of Inside Diameter

Displays the volume of the inside diameter of the tube part. Although you cannot edit the volume, the box automatically updates if the tube changes. This information is stored as the Tube Inside Volume property for reports and parts lists.

Bend Number

Displays the number of the bend in the tube part.


Displays the radius for the bends in the tube part.


Displays a text description of the current state of the tube. If the tube contains no errors, the description reads "Up to Date." If there is an error, the description is the error message for the failed feature.

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