Slot Options dialog box

Saved settings

Lists saved slot settings. You can access the saved settings by selecting them from the list. The settings on the dialog box display the characteristics of the hole you select. You can type a name in the box to name a group of settings.


Saves the current settings to the name you type. The settings are stored in an external file named Custom.xml.


Deletes the saved settings selected in the Saved Settings box.

Slot width

Specifies the width for the slot.

Flat end

Specifies that the end of the slot is flat.

Arc end

Specifies that the end of the slot is an arc.



Creates a fully recessed counterbore slot.


Creates a raised counterbore slot.

Path offset

Specifies the width of the offset from the slot.

Depth offset

Specifies the extent of the counterbore.

Save as default

Saves the current dialog box settings as the default settings for future sessions.

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