Construct a hole in an assembly


You cannot use the Hole command to construct assembly-driven part features until you set the Assembly-Driven Part Features option on the Inter-Part tab of the Options dialog box.

  1. Choose Features tab→Assembly Features group→Hole .

  2. On the Feature Options dialog box, specify whether you want to construct an assembly feature, an assembly-driven part feature, or a part feature.

  3. Define the profile plane.

  4. Use the Hole Options dialog box to set the hole parameters.

  5. Place one or more hole circles.

  6. Click the Return button on the command bar.

  7. Define the hole extent (depth).

  8. Select the parts you want to place the hole through.

  9. Finish the feature.


  • You can set hole parameters after placing the hole circles. The displayed hole circles update automatically.

  • All holes constructed as part of the same feature will have the same parameter settings. For holes with different parameters, construct another hole feature.

  • When constructing threaded holes, the thread values available on the Hole Options dialog box are based on the hole size. You can only specify threaded holes if the hole size matches a value specified in the Holes.txt file located in the C:\Program Files\Solid Edge ST6\Preferences folder.

  • If you delete a threaded hole entry in the Holes.txt file, when you edit a hole feature that used that entry, an asterisk is placed on the thread value listed on the Hole Options dialog box.

  • The IntelliSketch command supports horizontal and vertical alignment for the center points of hole circles. When you place a circle and the center point input recognizes a horizontal or vertical alignment with the center point of another circle, the horizontal or vertical alignment relationship is applied.

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