Publish Virtual Components dialog box

Displays the virtual component Names, Target Location, and Template so you can complete the publishing process. For each virtual component you can specify the target folder and template you want to use. In the Teamcenter-managed environment, the Target Location is determined in Teamcenter, so that option is not available.

The commands on the shortcut menu allow you to copy and paste data between cells, format the data, expand or collapse items, and so forth.

When you have defined the options for the virtual components, you can click Publish to create the real components.

BOM View

Displays the contents in a hierarchical view similar to PathFinder. You can use the + and - to expand or collapse the hierarchy.

No Levels

Displays the contents in a flat view and shows only the objects that are candidates for being published.


Lists the names of the virtual components.

Target Location

Lists the folder path for each virtual component. You can use the Set Path command on the shortcut menu to specify the folder name and location. The Browse for Folder dialog box also allows you to create new folders.


This option is not available in the Teamcenter-managed environment.


Lists the available template for each virtual component. You can use the Set Template command on the shortcut menu to select the template you want.

Publish pre-defined components using simplified representations

Specifies that pre-defined components that contain a simplified representation will be published using the simplified representation. Using the simplified representation can improve processing time and reduce document size.

When you publish a simplified representation of a subassembly, the subassembly is published as a single unit and the assembly structure is not loaded into memory. The assembly structure is also not displayed within PathFinder.

You can use commands on the PathFinder shortcut menu to specify whether the simplified or as designed version of a parts or subassembly is displayed. For more information on working with simplified parts and assemblies, see the Simplifying Parts and Simplifying Assemblies help topics.

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