Insert assembly copy options

Coordinate System

Used to position the insert assembly copy. Choose the coordinate system in the active assembly that will correspond to the coordinate system in the insert assembly copy.

Add new components on update

When set, updates to the parent assembly of the insert assembly copy are shown in the active assembly.

Include assembly features

Assembly features in the parent feature of the insert assembly copy are reflected in the active assembly.


Different assembly process states can be captured using assembly features.


Lists the components of the parent assembly used to create the insert assembly copy.


Controls placement of the parts in an insert assembly copy.

  • Include. Component will be included in the insert assembly copy.

  • Exclude. Component will not be included in the insert assembly copy.

  • Mirror. When the mirror option is set, component will be mirrored in the insert assembly copy. The mirrored components are created in a new document, whose name is suffixed with _mir.

  • Rotate. When using the mirror option, symmetrical components that can be rotated instead of being mirrored are rotated. An example of this is a sphere that can be rotated and remains the same on the opposite side of the mirror plane.


Direct the component to be mirrored about an alternative plane.

Output File

Controls the naming of the new file being created.


Controls the folder where the new file is being created.


Specifies the template used to create the new file.

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