Use the Application menu→Convert command to convert ordered features to synchronous features at a file level. Select multiple part files to convert simultaneously. Select an assembly file to convert all parts used in the assembly.
Since the conversion process is irreversible, you should create backup copies of your documents before starting the conversion.
The command displays the Select Documents for Conversion dialog box so you can select the part or assembly documents to convert. After you select the documents to convert, click the Open button to display the Ordered to Synchronous dialog box.
The Ordered to Synchronous dialog box displays information about the documents you selected for conversion. You can select the documents you want to convert, click Yes in the Convert column. The documents being converted must have write-access.
The conversion is done on an individual part or assembly basis. During the conversion each document is analyzed and categorized as follows:
Category 1 - The document is ready for conversion.
If a problem occurs when converting Category 1 documents, you may need to recompute the document or use the Geometry Inspector command to solve the problem.
Category 2 - The document has an issue you need to consider. For example, it may be a family of parts child. By default part, sheet metal, and assembly documents that fall into category 2 are not scheduled for conversion. You must set the Convert value to Yes to convert these documents.
If a problem occurs when converting Category 1 or Category 2 documents, you may need to recompute the document or use the Geometry Inspector command to solve the problem.
Category 3 - The document has an issue preventing it from being converted. For example, it may be a family of parts master. You cannot schedule a category 3 document for conversion.
Category 4 - The document is already a Synchronous document.
During the conversion, the feature tree from an ordered document is converted to a synchronous feature tree. Any features that are fully consumed by another feature are not converted. Holes come across as manufactured features, including thread information. Round features are recognized as face sets and can be edited just as if they were created as a synchronous feature. Patterns come across as patterns.
When converting a ordered features to synchronous features, 2D elements such as sketches and local profiles are also converted. The following rules apply:
Ordered sketches are converted as noncombinable sketches. The show/hide status in the ordered document is maintained in the converted document.
For ordered features constructed using local profiles, the local profiles are converted as used sketches and are added to the Used Sketches list in PathFinder.
For ordered features constructed using an outside sketch, the sketch elements are converted as unused sketches and are added to the Sketches list in PathFinder.
For more information, see Working with combinable sketches.