Synchronous sketch behavior in the ordered environment

Synchronous sketches are used to create both synchronous and ordered features. Ordered sketches cannot be used to create a synchronous feature because while in the synchronous environment, ordered elements are not available for selection.

Synchronous sketches can only be selected when creating an ordered feature by using the "Select from Sketch" option in the Profile step.

In ordered modeling, fully-constrained sketches help you maintain predictability as you change a model by adding features and editing constraints. In synchronous modeling, sketches are consumed by the features that are based upon them, after which time the sketches no longer drive the shape or behavior of the model. So developing fully-constrained sketches is important in ordered modeling, but not in synchronous modeling. In synchronous modeling it is important that a sketch properly define a shape at the time the sketch is used to create new features; whether or not that shape is fully constrained does not determine the appropriateness of the shape. Since constraints defined on a sketch are consumed when the shape is used, they no longer constrain the resulting features.

Editing an ordered feature created with a synchronous sketch

Ordered features are driven by sketches. To edit the cross section definition of an ordered feature, edit the driving sketch.

The following are the methods available for editing a synchronous sketch which drives an ordered feature.

Directly edit the synchronous sketch
Step 1.

Turn on the display of the driving synchronous sketch.

Step 2.

Select a sketch element to edit.

You can move the selected sketch element and/or change the element properties on command bar.

Step 3.

Edit sketch dimensions.


You cannot edit or add synchronous sketch relationships using this method.


As the synchronous sketch is edited, the ordered feature dynamically updates.

Feature edit (Edit Profile)
Step 1.

Select the ordered feature to edit.

Step 2.

Choose the Edit Profile command on the Feature Edit box.

Step 3.

The modeling environment switches to synchronous. You can now fully edit the synchronous sketch.

Step 4.

When the synchronous sketch edits are complete, switch to the ordered environment to observe the feature edits.

Feature edit (Dynamic Edit)
Step 1.

Select the ordered feature to edit.

Step 2.

Choose the Dynamic Edit command on the Feature Edit box.

Step 3.

The driving synchronous sketch appears. Make edits to synchronous sketch.

Synchronous sketch behavior in ordered modeling