Clean Sketch Options dialog box

Defines the options for cleaning sketch elements. The option you select remains set while you are in the current command session.

Clean B-Spline curves

Specifies that you want to include B-spline curves into the selection of sketch elements to be cleaned.

Delete elements

Specifies that duplicate elements will be deleted leaving a single element.

Move elements to

Specifies that duplicate elements will be moved to a separate layer.

Identical elements

Specifies that you want to include Identical elements into the selection of sketch elements to be cleaned.

Point elements

Specifies that you want to include point elements into the selection of sketch elements to be cleaned.

Line and arc lengths less than a specified value

Specifies that line and arc elements less than a user defined value are placed into the selection of sketch elements to be cleaned.


Sketch elements with relationships can not be cleaned.

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