Converting part documents to sheet metal

In some cases, it may be easier to convert an existing part model to a sheet metal part than to create it in the Sheet Metal environment. In the Sheet Metal environment, on the Applications menu, use the Switch to Part Environment command. After you have finished, you can return to the Sheet Metal environment using the Switch to Sheet Metal Environment command.

In Sheet Metal you can use the Rip Corner command to rip the edges of the model so that it can be converted to a sheet metal part. After you rip the edges, use the Transform to Sheet Metal command to transform the part model to a sheet metal solid body. The transformed body has sheet metal model attributes as if native sheet metal features were used to create it.


The solid model being converted must have a constant or near constant material thickness. There can be no circular connectivity paths between the faces.

Workflow to create a sheet metal model from a part model

To create a Sheet Metal model from a Part model:

Step 1.

In the Sheet Metal environment, on the Application menu, click Switch to Part.

Step 2.

In the Part environment, create a protrusion for the model, add any features, such as draft, and then thin wall the model.

Step 3.

On the Application menu, click Switch to Sheet Metal.

Step 4.

In the Sheet Metal environment, on the Home tab, in the Sheet Metal group, click Rip Edges to prepare the edges for the conversion.

Step 5.

On the Home tab, in the Sheet Metal group, click Convert to Sheet Metal to convert the model.

Adding features in the Part environment

You can access a sheet metal document (.PSM) in the Part environment to add features to it. On the Application menu, use the Switch to Part command to access the Part environment. After you have finished, you can return to the Sheet Metal environment using the Switch to Sheet Metal command.

You can add any type of part feature to a sheet metal part, but some features can prevent the Part Copy command from flattening the part. If you intend to flatten a part later, you should create a test part and see if the part features you want to add can be flattened.

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