Flat Pattern Options dialog box

Current Size

Length (X)

Displays the current length of the flat pattern.

Width (Y)

Displays the current width of the flat pattern.


Length (X)

Specifies the limit for the length of the flat pattern cut size. If the actual cut size exceeds this length, an alarm icon is displayed adjacent to the flat pattern entry in PathFinder.

Width (Y)

Specifies the limit for the width of the flat pattern cut size. If the actual cut size exceeds this length, an alarm icon is displayed adjacent to the flat pattern entry in PathFinder.

Use Default Values

Specifies that you want to use the default values that are set in the Flat Pattern Treatments tab on the Options dialog box.

Show Cut Size Range and Dimensions

Displays a range box for the pattern along with the dimensions for the current flat pattern cut size. The dimensions match the Length (X) and Width (Y) values displayed in the Current Size section of the Flat Pattern Options dialog box.

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