Set the units of measure

  1. On the Application menu, point to Properties, then choose File Properties.

  2. In the File Properties dialog box, click the Units tab.

  3. On the Units page, set the units for the length, area, or angle of a drawing.

  4. (Optional) To set the units for properties such as volume, mass, or density of a part, on the Units page of the File Properties dialog box, click Advanced Units. Make changes to these units as needed, or add new units to the list.

  5. Click the settings you want to use.


  • In a draft document, you can choose a symbol to display as the unit instead of text. For example, you can choose to display the degree symbol ° instead of the text, deg.

  • You may also need to change the units displayed on dimensions, or to specify a different delimiter for primary and secondary dimension units. You can do this by updating the dimension style globally or by making changes to the dimension style locally, in the document.

    • To set dimension units globally in the Dimension style, use the Dimension command on the Format menu.

    • To set dimension units locally, see the Help topic, .

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