Measure an angle

  1. Choose Inspect tab→3D Measure group→Angle .

  2. Using the Element Types box on the command bar, define the type of elements you want to use in the measurement.

  3. Select an element to measure from.

  4. Select a second element to measure to.

  5. If you are measuring the angle between two keypoints, locate a third keypoint.


  • At any time during the Measure Angle command, you can run a view manipulation command. When you exit the view command, the Measure Angle command continues at the previous state.

  • To measure in tight spots, you can zoom in on different areas of the part in different windows. You can measure between elements in any window.

  • In an assembly, you can activate inactive parts that you want to measure to by selecting the Activate button on the Measure Angle command bar and then selecting the part.

  • You can copy the measurement value to the Clipboard by highlighting the value and pressing Ctrl+C.

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