Round command bar (ordered)


Displays the Round Options dialog box so you can select constant radius rounding or variable radius rounding.

Round Parameters

Displays the Round Parameters dialog box.


Select Step

For rounds, defines the edges you want to round. For blends, defines faces you want to blend.

Select Vertices

For variable radius rounds only, specifies the vertices for rounding.

Side Step

For surface blending only, specifies the side in which you want to apply the blend. You can use the cursor to position the arrow on the side which you want the blend.

Soften Corner Step

For rounds, defines a blend setback value at corners in the round.

Overflow Step

For blending only, specifies options for blend overflow.

Round shape

For constant and variable radius rounds, select Tangent continuous or Curvature continuous.


This button changes function as you move through the feature construction process. The Preview button shows what the constructed feature will look like based on the input provided in the other steps. The Finish button constructs the feature. After previewing or finishing the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards all input and exits the command.

Command bar Options

Surface Blend Parameters

Displays the Surface Blend Parameters dialog box so you can define the trim options you want. This option is available when you set the Surface Blend option on the Round Options dialog box.


Sets the cross sectional shape of the blend. This option is available when you set the Blend or Surface Blend option on the Round Options dialog box. You can select from the following options:

  • Tangent continuous--Creates a constant radius circular cross section blend. When you set this option, you can use the Radius box to define the radius size you want.

  • Constant Width--Creates a circular cross section blend with a constant chord width between the two selected faces. When you set this option, you can use the Width box to define the chord width you want.

  • Chamfer--Creates a chamfer blend with equal setbacks. When you set this option, you can use the Setback box to define the setback value you want.

  • Bevel--Creates a beveled blend using a value to control the amount of material that is removed from the adjacent faces. When you set this option, the Setback option specifies the size of the blend face, and the Value option determines how much material is removed from the adjacent faces. You can type a value that is greater than zero, but less than or equal to 10.0. A Value entry of 1.0 creates a 45 degree bevel.

  • Conic--Creates a constant elliptical cross section blend. When you set this option, the Radius box defines the width of the cross section and the Value box changes the cross section shape. You can type a Value entry that is greater than but not equal to zero.  As the Value entry you specify approaches 0.0, the cross section becomes flatter and more closely resembles a chamfer. As the Value entry you specify increases, the cross section becomes more rounded and then becomes flatter again.

  • Curvature continuous--Controls the continuity, or softness, of the blend surface. When you set this option, the Radius box defines the radius of the cross section and the Value box is used to control the continuity of the surface between the walls, or the softness of the blend. A Value less than 1.0 creates a flatter, more chamfer-like cross-section. A Value greater than 1.0 appears to extend the selected surfaces and creates a smaller blend radius. Typical values can range from 0.0 to 10.0.


Sets the edge selection method for constructing or editing a round feature. You can use any combination of selection methods to select a set of edges to round. Hold the Ctrl key to deselect an edge.

Selecting edges to round:

  • Edge/Corner--Select individual edges, or to select all edges adjacent to a corner by selecting the corner.

  • Chain--Select tangentially continuous chains of edges.

  • Face--Select all the edges of a face by selecting the face.

  • Loop--Select all the edges of individual loops of a face by selecting the face and then choosing a loop.

  • Feature--Select all the edges of a feature by selecting the feature.

  • All Fillets--Select all inward-facing edges of a part by selecting the part.

  • All Rounds--Select all outward-facing edges of a part by selecting the part.

Selecting vertices for variable radius rounds:

  • Point--Select an individual point on an edge. This option is available only when you are constructing a variable radius round.

Selecting variable radius rounds for editing:

  • All--Select all variable rounds with a specific radius value. This option allows you to edit all rounds that have the same radius value in one step. This option is available only when you are editing a variable radius round.

Selecting corners for soften corner:

  • Corner--Select an individual corner.

  • All Corners--Select all corners on the feature.

Deselect (x)

Clears any selected edges and the edge selection criteria.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the edge selection criteria and selects all edges that meet the criteria.


Sets the radius for constant-radius rounds. You can type a radius value or select a preset value from the list.


For softened corner rounds, specifies the setback method used to define the softened corner.

  • Distance--Specifies an absolute value for the setback.

  • Multiple of Radius--Specifies a value by which the rounding radius of the edge will be multiplied to define the setback value.


For softened corner rounds, specifies edge setback value for a softened corner. If the Method box is set to Distance, this is the actual setback distance. If the Method box is set to Multiple of Radius, this is the value by which the round radius will be multiplied to determine the setback distance.

Unique Edge Values

For softened corner rounds, displays the Edge Setbacks dialog box so you can define a unique value for each edge connected to the selected vertex.

The value for all edges can be zero. However, if one edge has a value greater than zero, then the value for one of the adjacent edges must be greater than zero.

Roll Along/Across

For blending only, modifies the blend to maintain selected edges or continuous blend across selected edges.

Tangent Hold Line

For blending only, defines a tangent hold line for the blend. You can define a tangent hold line for each of the input faces or for only one of the input faces.

Default Radius

For blending only, maintains the default radius for the blend.

Full Radius

For blending only, varies the radius according to the tangent hold line.


Displays the feature name. Feature names are assigned automatically. You can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by selecting the feature and using the Rename command on the shortcut menu.

Shape Options


Sets the radius for constant-radius blends. You can type a radius value or select a preset value from the list.


Specifies the width of the chord for the blend. This option is available when you set the Constant Width option for the blend shape.


Specifies the setback value for the blend. This option is available when you set the Chamfer option for the blend shape.


Specifies the linear length value for the blend. This option is available when you set the Bevel option for the blend shape.


When the Bevel option is set, you can use the Value option to control the amount of material removed from the adjacent faces.

When the Conic option is set, you can use the Value option control the shape of the blend cross section.

When the Curvature Continuous option is set, you can use the Value option to control the shape of the blend cross section.

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