Vertex Mapping

Vertex mapping allows you to define sets of map points between the cross sections of a loft or swept feature. A default vertex map set is defined by the start point for each cross section you select. The Vertex Mapping button, available on the command bar during the Extent Step, allows you to redefine the start point for a cross section or to define additional vertex mapping sets.

Defining additional sets of vertex map points can be helpful for lofts and sweeps where there are different numbers of elements in each cross section. This can sometimes result in undesirable twisting of the feature or feature failure.

For example, a simple loft between a triangular sketch and a rectangular sketch will result in twisting (A). Defining additional vertex map sets allows you to eliminate the twisting (B). Notice that it is valid to use the same sketch vertex in more than one map set, as in sets 1 and 2.