Publish a multi-body part

  1. Open a part or sheet metal file which contains more than one design body.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • In the part environment, choose the Home tab→Solids group→Add Body list→Multi-body Publish command.

    • In the sheet metal environment, choose the Home tab→Sheet Metal group→Add Body list→Multi-body Publish command.

    The Multi-Body Publish dialog box displays.


    In a Teamcenter managed environment, the owner is the CAD system, so the body name is written to the corresponding document’s dataset name when you publish the documents. In Solid Edge SP, the body name is written to the title.

  3. If you want to create an assembly file using the published file components, select the Create Assembly check box.

  4. Click Save Files.

  5. If you are working in a managed environment, update the property data in the Edit Profile (Insight) or New Document dialog box (Solid Edge SP or Teamcenter), and then click OK.

    The file name for each component is determined upon check in to the database. The file names are replaced by the Item ID in the Multi-Body Publish dialog box.

  6. Click Close.

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