Export one or all sheets to AutoCAD

You can export draft document annotations and the geometry in the drawing views to AutoCAD model space.

You can also export the annotations on one or more drawing sheets to AutoCAD paper space, as well as export all drawing view geometry to AutoCAD model space.

Export one or more sheets to AutoCAD model space
  1. Choose File→Save As.

  2. From the Save As Type list, select the AutoCAD document format you want to save to: *.dxf or *.dwg.

  3. Click Options.

  4. On the first page of the Solid Edge to AutoCAD Translation Wizard, click Next.

  5. Under Sheet Options, select one of the following:

    • Active sheet only--Exports only the active sheet in the draft document to AutoCAD model space.

    • All sheets to same file--Exports each sheet in the draft document to AutoCAD layout sheet.

    • All sheets to separate files--Exports each sheet in the draft document as individual AutoCAD layout sheets.

  6. Click Finish.

Export sheets to AutoCAD paper space and model space
  1. Choose File→Save As.

  2. From the Save As Type list, select the AutoCAD document format you want to save to: *.dxf or *.dwg.

  3. Click Options.

  4. On the first page of the Solid Edge to AutoCAD Translation Wizard (File Mapping), do the following:

    • From the AutoCAD Version list, select 2000.

    • Select the Export To Paper Space option.

  5. Click Finish.


    This results in an AutoCAD file that contains:

    • All geometry from the drawing views on all Solid Edge sheets at a 1:1 scale in model space.

    • An exact replica of each drawing sheet in the Solid Edge draft file shown in its own paper space.

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