Working with Insight Connect

Insight Connect brings together Revision Manager, View and Markup, and built-in document management functionality to easily manage your documents. Insight Connect works in conjunction with Microsoft SharePoint Server software, but adds the capability to manage the document links that are common between Solid Edge documents.

Managing documents in Insight Connect

There are different ways to manage Solid Edge documents. You can use a non-portal client, such as Internet Explorer, or Windows Explorer to do such things as rename or move documents. Because information is being shared and used between these documents, maintaining the relationship information between these documents can be complex.

Revision Manager has commands such as Rename, Set Action To Revise, Add To Library, Move Managed Folders and Documents, Delete From Library, Search For Broken Links, Redefine Links, and Search for Duplicate Document Names that help you manage document links.

Typical workflow for managing Solid Edge documents in Insight Connect

The default action for an existing file being uploaded when it is closed is based on the settings defined on the Manage page of the Solid Edge Options dialog box. If the option to Always upload to server but leave document checked out to me is set, the default action is to upload the document.

If the option to Always upload to server and check document in is set, the default action is to check the document in.

If neither option is set, the document is saved to disk and not loaded to the managed library.

The Upload option loads the file into the managed library, but leaves it checked out to you. The Check In option loads the document into the managed library and makes it available for other users to check out.

Insight Connect always publishes the document on check-in and ensures that approvals are turned off in SharePoint for the folder.


Microsoft SharePoint provides a workflow to seek document approvals and publish documents for others to view.  Insight Connect has its own workflow and does not use the SharePoint approvals functionality.

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