If a Solid Edge Embedded Client two-tier deployment is required, Solid Edge Embedded Client should be configured after installation is complete.
On your client, select Start→All Programs→Solid Edge ST6→SEEC→Define Teamcenter Databases.
Select the 2-Tier check box under the Teamcenter Database URL, type a database description, and click Add.
The Define Teamcenter 2-Tier Server dialog box is displayed.
Define your Teamcenter application and data folder information.
Type the location of your Teamcenter two-tier Rich Client Application folder (TC_ROOT).
Type the location of your Teamcenter data folder (TC_DATA).
Click OK.
A new row is added to the table.
Click OK to save the information.
When you are prompted to log on to Teamcenter, choose the two-tier connection from the list of databases on the Login dialog box.
Solid Edge Embedded Client can run as either a four-tier or two-tier client. However, the cache is on the selected Teamcenter Database URL. Therefore, a four-tier connection does not use the same physical cache as a two-tier connection for the same Teamcenter database and user ID.