Reorient the steering wheel

To learn how to use the 2D steering wheel, see the 2D steering wheel overview Help topic.

Swap the primary and secondary axes
  1. Hold the Shift key down.

  2. Click the steering wheel plane.

Change the direction of the primary axis at 90° increments
Change the direction of the primary axis at a user-defined angle
  1. Hold the Shift key down.

  2. Click the axis knob.

  3. Move the cursor to define the angle or type an angular value in the dynamic edit box.

  4. Press the Tab key.

Change the direction of the primary axis using a geometric keypoint
  1. Click the primary axis knob.

  2. Move the cursor over the target keypoint and then click.

Change the axis direction at a user-defined angle
  1. Hold the Shift key down.

  2. Click the axis knob.

  3. Move the cursor to define the angle or type an angular value in the dynamic edit box.

  4. Press the Tab key.

Maintain a steering wheel orientation at a different location
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