General tab (Hole Table Properties dialog box)

Saved Settings

Lists the names of hole table settings you saved. To save a setting, type a new name in the list, and click the Save button. To delete a setting, select the name you want to delete from the list, and click the Delete button.


Saves the current settings to the name you type.


Deletes the active saved setting from the list.


Specifies the sheet on which the hole table is displayed.

Max. Table Height

Sets the maximum height of the hole table. When the overall height of the hole table exceeds this value, the hole table is split into multiple tables.

Section Gap

Sets the gap between sections in a hole table.

Header Position

Specifies if the header is at the top or bottom of the table.

Header Text 1

Defines the text for the first header of the table.

Header Text 2

Defines the text for the second header of the table.

Grid line color

Sets the color of the grid lines in the hole table.

Grid line width

Sets the width of the grid lines in the hole table.

Reverse Order Of Rows (Bottom To Top)

Arranges the hole entries from bottom to top in the hole table.

Hole Annotation

Sets annotation options for the selected hole set.

Show Annotation

Specifies that the hole annotation is displayed.

Default Position

Sets the default location for the hole annotation.


Specifies how much the annotation is offset from the default position. This value can be saved in saved settings which is stored in the external file $TEMPLATEPATH\reports\drafthole.txt. The default value is 2x font size.


Specifies the delimiter for the hole annotation.

Center Mark

Specifies that center marks are placed on a hole.

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