Place a block

The Place Block command is available from the Block Library tab, Block Selection Pane. You also can place blocks by dragging them. See Tips, below, and the Help topic, Using Blocks.

  1. In the Block Selection Pane, right-click the block name you want to place, and from the shortcut menu, choose Place Block.

  2. Move the cursor onto the drawing sheet, but do not click.

    You can see the block graphics outline and orientation, but it is still active.

  3. (Optional) To change the block graphics scale factor, type a new value in the Block Scale field on the command bar, and then press the Enter key to update the graphics.

    The default block scale is 1.00.

  4. (Optional) To rotate the block in 45° increments before it is placed, do one of the following:

    • Press the A key to rotate counterclockwise.

    • Press the S key to rotate clockwise.

    Each time you press a key,  the block rotates an additional 45°.

  5. Click to specify the location of the block origin point.

  6. Edit Block Label Value - If the block contains one or more block labels, the Block Properties dialog box displays for you to confirm or edit the label value. You also can edit any of the text properties displayed in the dialog box, without affecting the other block occurrences on the sheet.

  7. To place the same block in another location, move the cursor to the next location and click.

  8. Right-click to end the command, or press the Esc key to cancel.


Placing blocks by dragging them
  • You also can place a block by dragging it into the document, bypassing the Place Block command. This works for all block file types: .dft, .dwg, .dxf. The .dwg and .dxf files are converted to Solid Edge block format automatically.

    • You can select and drag, an individual block from the Block Selection pane, as described above.

    • You can drag a block file from the Block Library File List or from Windows Explorer.

Setting graphics scale for files
  • While dragging a file, you can use the Block Scale box to change the size of the red frame that represents the geometry so that it is fully visible on the drawing sheet. Then you can position it exactly as you want it before clicking to place it on the sheet.

  • If you do not know what scale to use, click to place the geometry using the default scale, and then click the Fit button located on the bottom frame of the graphics window. This will make everything visible on the sheet.

Editing block text scale and rotation
  • Automatic block text scaling is set by default and is controlled in the Block Properties dialog box. You can edit this setting after placing the block using the Properties command on the shortcut menu.

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