Add a custom frame component

You can add a custom frame component to the frame library using the FrameComponentsUtility.exe. The default location of this program is in Solid Edge ST6\Frames.

To learn how to create and use custom frame components using FrameComponentsUtility.exe, see the self-paced training module, Creating custom frame components, in the Solid Edge Frame Design course (spse01610).

  1. Create the model representing the shape and size of your frame cross section.

  2. While in Profile or Sketch, activate the part and then run FrameComponentsUtility.exe.

    The Frames Component Utility dialog box is displayed to assist in adding the component.

  3. Click an existing point in the point or line in the profile to define the handle point for the cross section.

  4. Click an existing line to define the relative orientation line.


    If the cross section is circular, you can skip this step.

  5. Click the Quit button to exit the utility.

  6. Save the frame component to the frames folder used by Solid Edge.


    The Step 3 button on the dialog box scans the profile to verify that the appropriate attributes exist for any of the profile elements. If the attributes exist, the elements will highlight. The Delete button on the dialog box scans the profile and deletes all existing attributes that you may have previously created.

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