Properties tab (Hatch Style dialog box)

Sets the overall display properties for new or modified hatch styles.


Displays the name of the currently selected style.

Pattern color

Applies a line color to the pattern. All system colors are selectable, as well as any custom colors you have defined.

Line width

Sets the width of the lines that make up the pattern.

Pattern spacing

Adjusts the spacing of the pattern lines.

Pattern angle

Sets the angle of the pattern as a whole. The default pattern angle is 0 degrees. The origin for specifying the angle is at the center of the diagonals of the rectangular image in the Preview pane. Changing this value changes the angle of the pattern based on the current center of the pattern.


Zero degrees for a left-center radial pattern is located on the negative X axis. The angle increases in a counterclockwise direction, as shown in the following example.


Displays the current hatch pattern and shows the results of changes you make.

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