Set the Color Scheme for Solid Edge

The preview pane on the Colors tab of the Options dialog box shows you how a selected color scheme will affect visual elements on-screen.

  1. Choose Applications menu→Solid Edge Options.

  2. On the Options dialog box, click the Colors tab.

  3. On the Colors tab, from the Color Scheme pulldown, select a color scheme. Available color schemes depend upon whether you are working in a 3D model document (assembly, part, sheet metal) or a 2D drawing. For example:

    • Solid Edge Default--Available in all documents.

    • Solid Edge Classic--Available in 3D model documents.

    • Solid Edge 2000--Available in 3D documents.

    • AutoCAD Model--Available in 2D drawings only.

    The selected color scheme sets the individual colors for the elements on the Colors tab. For example, the color scheme sets the Background (or Sheet) color, Highlight color, Selected Element color, and Handles color.

  4. Optional--To alter a color associated with a display element in the currently selected color scheme, click the corresponding pulldown and then click a different color.

  5. Click OK to apply the color scheme to the current environment in the active document, for example, the working sheets in a draft document or the graphic screen in a part document.


Color schemes are applied on a per-environment and per document basis. When you open a new document or if you change to a different environment within the active document, such as changing to the 2D Model sheet from a working sheet, you can select a different color scheme. However, for consistency in graphics, you should use the same color scheme in both places.


Color schemes do not control colors for dimensions../annotations, for line, fill, or hatches, or for text. Instead, these are defined as global styles and applied via templates or local overrides. To define or modify a style, select Format→Style, then from the Style dialog box, choose the Style Type you want to create or modify.

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