Background tab (View Overrides dialog box)

Formats a view by setting the background options.


Defines the background type you want to use.

When you select the Gradient option, you can also specify two gradient colors and a gradient transition type.

When you select the Image option, you can specify an image file to use as the background.

When you set the Solid Edge Default option, the background color is defined by the current setting for the Background color on the Color tab on the Solid Edge Options dialog box.


Specifies how you want the gradient transition to appear. When you select the Square Spot or Circular Spot options, you can define where the center point of the spot is located. You do this by clicking in the Background thumbnail area.

Color 1

Displays a selection of colors from which you can choose.

Color 2

Displays a selection of colors from which you can choose.


Displays a thumbnail of the current background selection.

Image File

Displays the name of the background image file.

Mirror X

Mirrors the image about the x axis.

Mirror Y

Mirrors the image about the y axis.


Accesses a dialog box that allows you to search for a document.


Shows you the result of your settings before you apply them.


Displays a description of the formatting options.

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