Table editing enhancements

Direct editing for tables

Now you can double-click a table to edit its formatting and content directly, bypassing the Table Properties dialog box. When an orange edit frame is displayed around the table, you can select one or more table cells to edit. This capability is called direct table editing.

Previously, double-clicking a table opened the Table Properties dialog box, where you made formatting changes on the Title tab, the Columns tab, and the Data tab. You still can open the Table Properties dialog box by selecting the table and then selecting the Properties button on the command bar, or by selecting the Properties command on its shortcut menu.

Direct table editing is available for all tables except hole tables in the Draft environment and in Solid Edge 2D Drafting.

For more information, see Edit a table in place.

Full control for the table title and column heading height and width

The following new formatting options are available for title rows and column header rows:

Fixed row height

A new option on the Title tab in the Table Properties dialog box, Fixed row height, defines an exact height for the table title text.

If you clear this option, the title content controls the height of the table title row.


Although it is not a new option, you can use the Adjust text to title width check box on the Title tab to force a long title to fit into the specified row height.

When in-place editing the table, you can use the new Adjust text to column width option on the Table Format command bar to do this.