Multi-body modeling replaces Divide Part command

Enhancements to multi-body modeling in previous Solid Edge releases provide a better workflow for creating multiple, related part models from a single parent model than the Divide Part command. Therefore, the Divide Part command has been removed from the Surfacing ribbon.

For multi-body modeling, use the following commands on the Home tab→Solids group instead of the Divide Part command:

  1. The Split command (boolean) splits a target design body into multiple bodies, using a tool body to define the split boundary. New design bodies created by the Split command reside in the same file as the original design body, allowing you to continue modeling all of the design bodies in context with one another.

  2. With the Multi-body Publish command, you can publish the multiple design bodies as individual parts, and you can also publish an assembly of the parts, positioned as in the original part model, if you like. The new parts that are published from the original multi-body model each consist of a part-copy feature, so that the new models are associative to the original multi-body model. Similarly, if you choose to publish an assembly, the assembly model is associative with the original multi-body part model.

For more information about all that you can do with multi-bodies, see the following help topics:


You still can access the Divide Part command using the Customize command on the Quick Access Toolbar.