Move an element

  1. Choose the Move command .

  2. If you want to copy the elements, click the Copy button on the Move command bar.

  3. Click to define the from point.

  4. Click to define the to point.


  • You also can select elements to move before you select the Move command.

  • You can use IntelliSketch with this command.

  • Instead of defining from and to points, you can select the elements, and then drag them to their new location.

  • Instead of using the Copy button on the command bar to copy elements, you can hold the Ctrl key while you click to position the elements.

  • You can use the command bar boxes to specify the to point. The values are relative distances along the x and y axes you must click to specify which quadrant you want to move or copy the selection set.

  • When you move or copy elements, the to point becomes the next from point.

  • Relationships within the select set are maintained if they are still applicable after the elements have been moved or copied.

  • You can use other view manipulation commands, such as Zoom, Fit, and Pan, while you are using the Move command.

    When you finish manipulating the view, the software returns you to the Move command at the point where you left off.

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