Offset elements

You can offset a single element or use each offset element as the next element to be offset.

Offset a single element
  1. Select the Offset command .

  2. Click the element or elements you want to offset.

  3. On the command bar, type the distance you want to offset the selected elements.

  4. On the command bar, click the Side Step button .

  5. Click to define the direction in which you want to offset the elements.


  • The Offset command places a dimension, which you can use to edit the value of the offset constraint.

  • Since the offset constraint is variational, you can delete the dimension and add other constraints to control the input and output geometry.

Offset a series of elements
  1. Select the Offset command .

  2. Click the Select Step button on the command bar: .

  3. Scroll down until you see the selection list, and then select Chain.

  4. Select the elements to offset--Click the element or elements you want to offset, and then click the Accept button on the command bar.

  5. On the command bar, type the distance you want to offset the selected elements.

  6. Click the Side Step button , and then click to place the first offset.

  7. Click again to place the second offset. You can do this for as many offset iterations as you want to draw.

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