Rectangular Pattern Options dialog box (Draft)

Pattern Control

Specifies how the pattern is constructed.

  • Incremental Array--Draws a pattern with a set offset between members.

  • Fit To Rectangle--Draws a pattern by evenly spacing members along the x and y axes of the pattern rectangle.


Controls whether pattern members are arranged in a straight matrix, or whether every other row or column is offset from its default position. Options are None, for a straight matrix, Rows, to offset alternate pattern rows, and Columns, to offset alternate pattern columns.


Sets the row or column stagger distance to the specified distance.

Stagger=1/2 Offset

Sets the row or column stagger distance to half the X Offset or Y Offset value.

Include Last Column

Controls whether to include the last staggered column in the pattern or to exclude the last column.


Shows you the result of your settings before you apply them.

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