Offset Faces command bar

Main Steps

Select Faces Step

Specifies the faces you want to offset. You can use the Select option to specify whether you can select individual faces, a tangential chain of faces, the faces that comprise a feature, or an entire body.


Hole feature faces cannot be selected for offset.

Offset Step

Defines the offset distance and direction. You can type a value and use the cursor to define the offset distance and direction, or you can select a key point to define the offset distance.

When you select a key point to define the offset distance, you must also select a reference face to define the offset direction. The surface normal of the reference face is used to control the offset direction.

When working in the context of an assembly, you can select a key point on another part in the assembly to associatively link the offset faces feature to the key point on the other part.

When you select a key point on another part in the assembly, the offset faces feature is associatively linked to the key point on the other part. If the other part is modified, the offset faces feature updates. To delete the associative link, select the offset faces feature in Feature PathFinder, then click Break Link on the shortcut menu.

Reference Face Step

Specifies the reference face you want to use. The reference face must be one of the faces you selected to offset. The surface normal of the reference face is used to define the offset direction. This option is available only when you select a key point to define the offset distance.


This button changes function as you move through the feature construction process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the other steps. Once you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.

Select Faces Step Options


Defines the faces or bodies you want to offset.

  • Face—Specifies that you want to select individual faces.

  • Chain—Specifies that you want to select tangentially continuous chains of faces.

  • Feature—Specifies that you want to select one or more features.

  • Body—Specifies that you want to select an entire body. This option is useful when working with imported data and you want to offset the entire part, such as when working with cast or molded models.

Automatically Select Blends

Automatically selects blends which are adjacent to the selected faces. This option is useful when there are adjacent fillets or rounds on the part that you want to stay tangent to the offset faces, but you do not want to change their radius value. The blends are moved relative to the offset faces, but maintain the same radius value.

Offset Step Options


Sets the type of key point you can select. The available key point options are specific to the command and workflow you use.

Selects any key point.

Selects an end point.

Selects a midpoint.

Selects the center point of a circle or arc.

Selects a tangency point on an analytic curved face such as a cylinder, sphere, torus, or cone.

Selects a silhouette point.

Selects an edit point on a curve.


Sets the distance to offset the faces.

Reference Face Step Options

Reference Face

Defines the reference face.

Offset Keypoint

Sets the type of key point you can select.

Offset Distance

Sets the offset distance from the key point you selected. This option is useful when you want to offset the faces relative to the key point, but at some value on either side of the key point.

command bar Options


Displays the feature name. Feature names are assigned automatically. You can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by selecting the feature and using the Rename command on the shortcut menu.

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