Replace parts in assembly has been enhanced to support the following:
Replace part (as in previous versions)
Replace part with standard part
Replace part with new part
Replace part with copy
Replace multiple occurrences—You can select multiple similar or dissimilar parts. The Replace command remains available in all cases.
Replace in subassemblies—You can select a part in the complete assembly (top-level assembly as well as subassemblies). A part is located first when the cursor hovers over it. If the part is also contained in a subassembly, the subassembly is made available for selection through QuickPick. The selection can also be done from PathFinder.
Replace All Occurrences—A button on the command bar in the select parts step selects the occurrences to be replaced. The current Select Occurrences dialog box is then converted into a button to extend the selection to ‘All occurrences’ every time the button is clicked. The selections are displayed in the Select color.
To learn more, see Replacing parts in assemblies.