Create a master draft in Solid Edge SP

Saving a Solid Edge Draft to a separate Revision from the 3D model creates a master draft or master drawing of the 3D model displayed in an open model document.

  1. Save the current model (assembly, part, or sheet metal) file to SharePoint.

  2. Choose Application menu→New→Create Drawing.

    The Create Drawing dialog box is displayed.

  3. Complete the Drawing View Wizard as required and click to place the drawing on the sheet.

    The drawing contains a reference to the 3D model.

  4. Save the drawing.

    The New Document dialog box displays with properties associated with the 3D document.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • Click OK to save the draft to the same revision as the 3D model.

      This is the traditional workflow. Draft documents are created in the same URL, with the same Number, and Revision as the 3D model resulting in a single Revision having a 3D dataset and the corresponding draft.

    • Click Assign All or Assign to generate a new Number and Revision.

      This choice creates a new document in the same folder as the 3D document.

    • Choose a new URL, keeping the current content types and then Assign All or Assign.

      The new document resides in a different folder than the 3D model and has a new Number and Revision.

    • Choose a new URL, change the Part Content Type, and keep the existing Number and Revision.

      The new document resides in a different folder than the 3D model, but retains the same Number and Revision as the 3D model.


    After making changes to the properties, you can click Restore in the New Document dialog box to revert the properties to the initial contents.

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