Reports dialog box

Retrieves and displays part information from the assembly document. Use the Format button to define the report format.

You can display the Report Output dialog box by selecting the OK button.


The actual report output dialog box name is based on the report type you select and the assembly document name.


Defines which parts and assemblies you want to include in the report:

  • All the parts in the assembly.

  • Parts currently shown.

  • Parts currently selected.

Bill of materials

Indented list of subassemblies and parts that shows a given part, along with the quantity, only once for each subassembly.

This report supports item number levels that match the assembly structure.

Exploded bill of materials

Indented list of subassemblies and parts that shows each part occurrence individually. This type of report is useful when occurrence-specific properties are of interest.

Summary of atomic parts

List of all unique atomic parts in the assembly. This type of report is useful when working with assemblies that contain subassemblies, but you do not want the subassemblies appearing in the parts list. The report that is generated will appear similar to a single-level assembly that does not contain subassemblies.

Parts list

Lists all the parts and subassemblies in the top-level assembly. The parts in the subassemblies are not listed.

This report is a flat list that shows the quantity of each element.

Expand weldment subassemblies

Controls how weldment assemblies are treated in an assembly report. When you set this option, the parts in a weldment assembly are included in the report. When you clear this option, a weldment assembly is treated as a single component. Some companies treat a weldment assembly as a single component for assembly report purposes.

Use assembly generated item numbers

When checked, specifies that item numbers displayed in the report are derived from the item numbers in the assembly structure. When unchecked, numbers are generated on-the-fly by the assembly Reports command.

You cannot edit the item numbers of parts and subassemblies in the Occurrence Properties dialog box when this box is checked.


The Item Numbers page (Solid Edge Options dialog box) controls whether item numbers are created in the assembly document.


Displays the Format Report dialog box for the report type you specified.

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